essas são algumas frases que aparecem naquela propaganda do absorvente... e é nessa hora que eu agradeço por ter nascido homem! tenho extrema admiração pelas mulheres, elas menstruam... e não só isso, além de toda a tabela que deve ser seguida, não se pode esquecer disso também na hora de transar, porque depois da tpm, também têm noites enjoadas em claro, depressão pós parto, celulite, depilação, seios... é bem complicado essa história toda! eu não daria certo como mulher, estaria sempre irritada, cagada, noiada! e não acho que seja machismo, é completamente compreensível! a fêmea dá a luz... amamenta, cuida... é a lei da natureza! na real eu acho que as feministas até se arrependem da questão sexo frágil, porque se hoje não houvesse tido tanta revolução e queima de sutiãs, elas estariam mais protegidas, porque ao mesmo tempo que querem direitos iguais, o próprio instinto feminino fala mais alto e o emocional prevalece, mesmo com muitas mulheres trabalhadoras, dedicadas, inteligentes! penso um pouco na marge simpsons, é exatamente o esteriótipo de mulher atual... mas com o avanço da tecnologia, dos métodos contraceptivos, chips para cessar a menstruação, body modification, bissexualismo, acredito que o ser humano será um só, mas poucos conseguirão gerar outra vida!
Pass This On
I'm in love with your brother
What's his name?
I thought I'd come by
To see him again
When you two danced
Oh what a dance
When you two laughed
Oh what a laugh
Has he mentioned my age love?
Or is he more into young girls with dyed black hair?
I'm in love with your brother
I thought I'd come by
I'm in love with your brother
Yes I am
But maybe I shouldn't ask for his name
And you danced
Oh what a dance
And you laughed
Oh what a laugh
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, wont you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing?
Can he play?
If I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing?
Can he play?
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, wont you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing?
Can he play?
What's his name?
I thought I'd come by
To see him again
When you two danced
Oh what a dance
When you two laughed
Oh what a laugh
Has he mentioned my age love?
Or is he more into young girls with dyed black hair?
I'm in love with your brother
I thought I'd come by
I'm in love with your brother
Yes I am
But maybe I shouldn't ask for his name
And you danced
Oh what a dance
And you laughed
Oh what a laugh
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, wont you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing?
Can he play?
If I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing?
Can he play?
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, wont you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing?
Can he play?
(the knife)