


➸ copy/paste: Costa Rica Vídeos 

what is the radio or singing towards the end of the song mean? does anyone know its significance?

“Noticias en Radio Francia Internacional, esta manana se inicio en Kyoto, Japon, la conferencia internacional sobre cambios climaticos, tienen la dificil tarea de encontrar un acuerdo que permita luchar eficazmente contra el calentamiento progresivo del planeta, la magnitud y la gravedad de este reto planetario contrasta con el escepticismo que predomina en cuanto a los resultados de esta cumbre; las divergencias han vuelto a resurgir en visperas de esta conferencia de Kioto, en particular entre los paises ricos y los paises en vias de desarrollo. Estados Unidos, pais responsable de una cuarta parte de las emisiones planetarias de gas carbonico, no es un modelo de referencia.”

It’s a radio program announcing the Kyoto accord about the environment, and how the challenge goes againt the skepticism about the effects of global warming and then it goes on to say that the United States, the country responsible for 1/4 of global emissions, is not a point of reference.

Then, it has a part in Portuguese:
“É sempre mais facil empurrar com a barriga e deixar o abacaxi para os netos mas enquanto o mundo continua cantarolando, o termômetro e a água vai subindo”

-English: Its always easier to forget about it, leaving the problem to the grandsons,but while the world stays talking,the thermometer and the water keep rising.

Then it says:
*Senor delegado y…
Y si escucha nuestro problema de desalojo, que nos dice?
Pero quien se acuerda ahorita de problemas linda?
Valla por ahi, diviertase, andele diviertase…*

“Mister delegate and…
If you listen to our eviction problem, what do you say?
But who can remember problems now, beautiful?
Go have fun, go! Have fun!”

I guess continuing the idea that these are things that people would rather just forget about…

Manu Chao, Mentira
